Sunday, 3 November 2013

Preparedness continued

As you can see for the photo I am prepared for the biggest hazard to the team in Haiti and to millions around the world: the mosquito! I was pleased to discover that mosquito nets are easy to come by in Halifax(who knew?) and that they have improved somewhat since the bulky nets I  used in the last time I was in an endemic area, West Bengal in 1990. I am taking Chloroquine for convenience and since I am a cheapskate: 24 tablets are 4 GBP over the counter in the UK, about $6. Will also have to keep up my gin and tonic levels in the evenings for extra quinine.

I finally took my Dukoral: after setting my alarm to 0400 as it is sadly difficult to find a 2 hour window in my waking hours when I am not eating or drinking...

Will of course bring my trusty Swiss Army knife: if nothing else it is useful for opening beer and wine bottles and you never know when you might encounter a horse with a stone in it's hoof!

Not sure how much Voudoun we will actually encounter, but my readings about health and belief suggest that a lot of the patient population rely on folk medicine and it is good to be prepared as to the expectations and understandings of those we treat. The book is a reminder of the rich history and fascinating cultural heritage of the people of Haiti.

Lastly I have the words of Thich Nhat Hanh  to keep me calm and focussed, and with the good humour, support and dedication of the team going with me I am sure I will not have to rely on Snowy to keep me company after the no doubt arduous and potentially stressful days in the OR!!

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