Sunday, 17 November 2013

Not so sleepy Sunday...

An eventful day in a Port au Prince, no day of rest for the Halifax team. After a pleasant breakfast we were sitting around bemoaning the lack of work when another gunshot victim was brought in. Unfortunately not as happy an outcome as yesterday. Difficult to adequately resuscitate a liver laceration with one unit of whole blood and ringer lactate:no massive transfusion protocol here. A tragic reminder of the seriousness of the situation here and a humbling reminder of how much we take for granted in Canada.
Once again though we were impressed by the skill and dedication of the local nursing and medical staff, for whom this is a more regular occurrence.
Spent quite a bit of the rest of the day in ICU which currently has some quite challenging patients.
On the plus side we managed to get to dinner at the Visa Lodge without any OR diversions and enjoyed some good food. On our journey back passed a UN convoy of soldiers in armoured personnel carriers reminding us of how volatile the situation is here.

Following a couple of power surges our AC is currently out of action so tonight may not be as cold! Our surgeons are on the case.....

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