Sunday, 17 November 2013

First night recap

Well we certainly had a baptism of fire! After three fairly pleasant flights (with a mad dash between gates at Miami) we arrived to the chaos that was the Port au Prince airport. Customs gave up trying to hassle us when they saw how much stuff we had then it was a bumpy ride to the hospital. We had no sooner finished the orientation and were about to leave for dinner when Marti, Denise , Keith and myself were diverted to the OR to explore a gunshot wound in a cop's tongue! Which went very well considering my limited medical French. The OR setup would give some of my OCD colleagues a stroke! Thankfully Marti is bilingual.
After successfully dropping him off in ICU we headed for the cafeteria for some Fajitas the rest of the team brought back from the UN. Boy were they tasty!! Hot and humid night outside.
Finally hit our bunks after we managed to get our nets set up( should have videoed it: 7 docs struggling with mosquito nets was comedy gold!) . However the AC was so cold overnight no mosquito would have survived and I ended up putting on a sweater!

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