Yesterday was a long day for us all. Started for me when my alarm went off at 230 for a 4am airport rendezvous. 12 hours and 3 flights later we arrived in Port au Prince and headed to the hospital.
Bernard Mevs has undergone some changes and the volunteer accommodation has certainly improve. No need for mosquito nets now that it is fully enclosed and air conditioned. We claimed our bunks ( only 4 to a room now!) and headed to Visa Lodge for dinner.
We managed to inadvertently order an excess of pizzas which are now in our fridge (another innovation!). Had just enjoyed a few slices and a beer when we got a call that a gunshot was coming in and could anaesthesia and ortho come back...
Got back and got as organised as we could and waited for the patients to arrive. Turned out one was a former PM and was the victim of an attempted assassination! he was fortunate in that it was very superficial and just required debridement and closure in the OR. Would have liked the chance to get prepared in the OR but managed to make it work and he did well. Was very glad to have the expert assistance of Brandon Dsouza,a respiratory therapist who I think will be invaluable this trip as I am solo.
An innocent bystander wasn't so lucky. the other casualty was caught in the crossfire and got shot in the head. He got intubated on arrival and currently sits this morning on a ventilator. No CT scan but plain films show no bullet in the head. Neurosurgery wants to watch and wait. 2 died on the scene, which was near the Tytoo Orphanage, so that is a trip which wont be happening this time.
After getting to bed around midnight I slept like a log and am now enjoying some coffee. Thankfully not much on the agenda for today. Going to see if I can tidy up my end of the OR while Dave Amirault goes in search of patients. Doesn't look as if there will be a lack of them!
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