Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Just another manic Monday

Day 3: Monday

Written over breakfast on Tuesday by the way. This is supposed to be our day off but due to the ongoing political situation we are currently confined to the compound. Hopefully we might get onto the roof for some sun and fresh air later. No water pressure at present either so definitely another day in paradise!!

We had our first official full day in the OR yesterday and it was certainly productive. First case was a complex trimalleolar ankle fracture, then an exploration of a nasty wrist injury due to a grinder. Not as soft tissue as first expected, as well as tendon damage there was crushed bone, so that was not a quick case. To round things off a fractured tibia/fibula which was 3 weeks old. This would have been a challenging case at the Halifax Infirmary and it certainly was far from straightforward here. Took a few hours to get everything lined up and nailed but the result looks perfect. Again it shows what can be done with more limited resources when you have skilled surgeons and a good nursing team! Haitian Ortho residents were able to scrub in for the cases too so even during the challenges David McCartney and Michelle Arakgi were able to impart some knowledge!

Back to our quarters where we discovered that the presidential election results were due. Given the inflammatory situation, with supporters of one party threatening to set Port au Prince on fire if they lost, it  was decided no trip out for supper! Instead a large pizza order was delivered from Visa Lodge which fed us well. Managed to amuse ourselves for the evening chatting, playing and getting to know the other members of the team. Some serious games of Cribbage went on: who knew Michelle , Marc and Katy were such card sharks?? We are all able to laugh together: Darrell the legendary paramedic being one of the entertainers of the group- he can even juggle and do magic!

As seems to be a recurring theme in my career as a reluctant paediatric anaesthetist I ended up in PICU getting an arterial stab on a newborn with an omphalocoele getting surgery today. Ultrasound was available but I ended up drawing on my dormant paeds skills and used the Force to do it by touch! The great thing about this trip is always the cross-discipline cooperation. Everyone helps everyone else: ER docs in the ICU and recovery, RT everywhere it seems for example.

I stayed up to find out the election result on twitter and to my surprise there was a winner: Jovenel Moise a former banana farmer from the PHTK ( Haiti Bald Headed Party!) and the anointed successor of former Pres Martelly. His platform was make Haiti great again by growing more bananas on the deforested land!  Already there are accusations of corruption and mentions of Trump! As to the disgruntled Fanmi Lavalas party ( Aristide's party and the party of the shot PM from my earlier entry)who threatened to set the streets on fire- their candidate came in fourth!

At the time of writing Port au Prince is peaceful and in all probability only minor demonstrations and celebrations are likely. Still confined to barracks though, no city tour for the group. I am sure we will find something to occupy ourselves. Might get into the OR later to explore a gunshot wound in an unfortunate gentleman who got shot 3 days ago. He was dropped off in a mattress in the back of a Tap-Tap taxi which made a colourful if unsafe ambulance alternative.

Anyway I hear the water is back on so a shower and a shave are beckoning. Will keep everyone updated. Marc Butler in his new found role as Cruise Entertainment Director is looking for balloons and a cable to connect his laptop to the TV so we will no doubt be kept amused!

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