Monday, 19 January 2015

A case of the Mondays

The working week began in earnest today with plenty of work in the OR. Started with a removal of a wire from an elbow, then an ankle fixation. An orthopaedic scouting mission to the General was thwarted when Dr Johnston became unwell. Fortunately there is no shortage of medical help and after some IV rehydration, Gravol and some rest he made a swift recovery.

Charmaine and Noreen wait for lunch. Worth waiting for too: meatballs, rice, creole sauce and beans. The Haitian cuisine is certainly good here.

What do you do if you don't have the right tool in your set to remove an external fixator? Why simply use the nearest monkey wrench!! Improvisation is the key here that's for sure. The fixator was in to hold a tibia in a policeman who sustained a gun shot wound. As the designated centre for treating the police here we have an appreciation of how violent and dangerous their job is. Once again reminding us of how it would not be a good idea to go for an evening stroll around Delmas!

Good day for teaching mind you: that's Hippolyte a Haitian Orthopaedic resident scrubbed in with Dave to fix an 8 week old fractured ankle.With an intermittently functioning imager it was certainly a learning experience for all!! 

Meanwhile next door Kwesi is teaching Regional Anaesthesia to the local staff Judith, and a PGY3 Haitian Anaesthesia resident Alain Bien Amie. We discovered to our considerable joy that there was a state of the art Sonosite machine with linear and curved probes, good for us and our blocks and good for the ER guys if they want to scan any bellies.

Kwesi being a great teacher and mentor as always.

All in all a successful day with 6 cases being done in the OR. Tomorrow we get to be tourists and get the historical tour of Port au Prince but my orthopaedic colleagues have found another 8 cases to get our teeth into from Wednesday onwards! Tonight the UN and their delicious fajjitas, we have earned them for sure!

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool to read! Thanks for sharing the update!!
